02 February 2009

Igorant Electorate

I think we are standing on the brink of something terrible, based on the election that just took place. My fear/anger/frustration lies much less with the man that got elected than with the people who voted for him. He was just being himself, while it was the millions who voted that handed us this debacle.

How can I say that, when his Presidency is just a couple weeks old? Because the debacle is the manner in which he was elected (or should I say, selected) and this portends much harm for the United States. Obama genuinely seems like a good father and a stand up guy. I'd love to buy him a beer or shoot some hoops together. But we've got a sitting President who got elected because he talks pretty, has a nice smile, and is a minority.

Deny it all you want, but his election was based solely on emotional decisions and reactions, and this is the central problem. We have an ignorant electorate. So many people my age have no understanding of history, economics, or civics. And I don't claim to be an expert, but I know a great deal more than most of you Obama supporters. Even the ones who are well versed in the above subjects must have willingly suspended understanding and discernment in order to make cast such a vote.

It is the process by which millions of Americans arrived at that decision that irks me, not the recipient of their loyalty, devotion, and adoration. A simple proof is in the reaction of any Obama supporter I have yet questioned. Raise one objection, a single criticism, and you get a truckload of emotion-based, spring loaded reaction. It's like they are so wrapped up in the persona they and the media created that he must be perfect and flawless. Nothing less is tolerated. I can't even have a 10 second discussion of his economic policies and the theory behind them before said supporter says something like, "Why can't we all just come together? Why do you have to be divisive?"

That's scary. No questioning of the Almighty Obama is allowed. Zero. Complete fealty or you will be cast out. What does this mean? It means that the sacred opportunity and freedom to vote for our leaders has been hijacked by emotion and ignorance. Rush Limbaugh says often that most people's historical reference begins with the day they were born. I tend to agree. There doesn't seem to be a sense among young people that voting is anything special, that having this awesome freedom and privilege is anything out of the ordinary in human history.

Sad, really sad. What's worse, the underlying developments that brought us to this point are even farther from their grasp. Even if they understood that America was really a special, unique place, I doubt whether they could say why or how.

If you don't even know how this country was founded, and what the framework of the rest of human history is, how can you even begin to question Obama when he says that gov't is the only way to save us? What reference do you have to question the notion that other private citizens ought to have more of their income confiscated by the gov't and given back to you in the form of some program?

When Obama says we have to make college more affordable, and all he offers is more Federal loans, the people that voted for him cheer without even realizing that this proposal does nothing to the actual price of tuition, it simply puts more control in the hands of the gov't to decide what special subgroup gets money and what doesn't. In fact, they never even give thought to the actual mechanics. All that matters is that Obama said college needs to be cheaper, and their loyalty is won.

Can we see the danger is this blind acceptance of symbolism and personality? Outright lies are not questioned, such as the idea that this is the worst economy since the Great Depression. That is factually incorrect. One day it may be the worst, but it's not yet. GDP rose 1.8% for all of 2008. The last thing I'm claiming is that we are on solid footing. I am trying to demonstrate the lack of investigation into anything this man says, and the lack of knowledge behind it.

The sooner we can get off this emotional train and actually think for ourselves, the better. But I am afraid for us after seeing this election take place right before my eyes. It was a very successful marketing campaign. I suppose that's all it takes to win/buy some people's votes these days.

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