12 February 2009

Ice Storm Aftermath

I've spent the last couple days working in an emergency call center for victims of the recent ice storm. People are calling in to report damage and needs, and we are collecting the information. I've received lots of calls from folks in need of assistance, and it breaks my heart to hear their stories. Crews are working around the clock to restore power and clear roads, but there are still some people stranded.

What sickens me is the volume of calls coming in that sound something like this:

"When I lost power, I had to throw out the food in my fridge. When am I going to get reimbursed for that?"


"I had to get a chainsaw and spend 4 hours clearing the road. Who's gonna pay for my time?"

They don't ask if they will get paid, or if there is some way they can help others. Just an open palm and a sense of entitlement. This does not include anyone in genuine need, I understand that some people need help and they should get it. But hey, sometimes bad stuff happens. Just move on and be thankful you're not homeless, and quit asking for someone else to cover every penny you'd rather spend on beer or cable TV.

This is related to a town-hall meeting Obama had in Ft. Myers the other day. Some guy in the audience was complaining because unemployment doesn't pay 100% of his usual salary, and he wanted Obama to fix it. When did we become a nation of slobs, where so much of our energy goes to seeking a redress of grievances, or someone to blame for our sorrow?

Do we really want to be vassals of the state, dependent on them for everything? What happened to individual drive and determination? I submit to you that this is precisely what the Democrats want. Rahm Emanuel said this crisis is a terrible thing to waste. I can see the glitter in his eyes at the thought of rendering us all to the level of dependency this deadbeat in Florida so proudly embodies.

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