30 January 2009

The Morbidly Obese Stimulus Bill

In case you didn't know, here's a breakdown of just some of the money being spent in this bill, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal:

- $1 Billion for Amtrak, the gov't railway system that hasn't turned a profit in over 40 years. Way to reward incompetence.

- $2 Billion for child-care subsidies

- $400 Million for global warming research, and another $2.4 billion for carbon capture demonstrations projects.

-$650 million for digital-TV conversion coupons. I thought this was about jobs, not sitting at home watching Wheel of Fortune.

- $252 Billion is for income-transfer payments. Aka - paying people for not working. That oughta get them pouring out of the woodwork looking for jobs.

This is just a few examples, and your blood should be boiling by now. For those of you who voted for Obama, please tell me how any of this will create jobs? He's up there selling this as the greatest job creating mechanism known to man, our only hope for the future, and it's filled with this junk.

If you think it's going to be all about the New Deal and creating work, think about this:

- $30 billion, or less than 5% of the total, is going to bridges and highway construction.

- Only $90 billion, or around 12 cents of every dollar, can even claim to be stimulating to the economy.

I could go on and on. Wasn't it Obama who told us that the days of pork-barrel spending and typical Washington politics were over? Are you people pleased with your selection? I'm not always a fan of either-or statements, but by virtue of the promises that are coming out of his own mouth, Obama is either a total liar or a complete fool who doesn't even know what's in the bill.

The Smithsonian Museum is going to get $150 million. Is the Smithsonian going to sprout new jobs for all of us? The central point is not whether you think any of these things are good, but whether they will accomplish the stated purpose of the bill - creating jobs.

They will not. There is no way that $30 billion for COBRA will create jobs. So, the question remains, if it's not about jobs, which it clearly isn't, then what is it about? We ought to be asking ourselves that question. Who benefits from all this?

I say it's nothing more than buying votes and trying to get as many people as possible on the gov't payroll. The democrats want all Americans sucking on the collective teat that they will then control. I hope that picture is disgusting. And yes, I'm furious, because I saw this coming. Please, remember this in 2010 when we vote for representatives. You are being sold a bill of crap and being told you should like it. If you enjoy that kind of treatment, then congratulations for getting exactly what you wanted.

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