26 March 2009

Obama's Refusal to Act: Empowering Our Enemies

It is not hard in some cases to make accurate predictions about a given situation, and I have made such a prediction about the situation with the Somali pirates. As I am typing this, four Somali pirates are holding an American captive in a lifeboat. The captain has tried to escape once, but was recaptured by the Somalis. And right about now, our President continues to do nothing.
On the surface, it might seem like Obama is being neutral with the situation, trying to be non-confrontational and calm in the face of a threat. However, such a pose is imaginary, since there is no neutral position in conflict. So here is my prediction: Soon there is a good chance that the Somalis will surrender, and Obama will be hailed for "solving" the situation without military action. He will appear to have been planning this outcome all along, calculating the scenarios and carefully weighing the risk involved in his options. I think he is hoping for something to happen in our favor, because he has no idea what to do.
If the Somalis do surrender, all of the smiles that Obama will give in front of the camera, and all of the suddenly tough statements he will make will be meaningless. Obama might even tell the captain about how ready he was to take action, and that he is headed over to have some "tough talks" with the brigands. My point is that this current inaction on the part of our President is the greatest communication of all, and I promise you that all parties interested in striking America are receiving that communication. What Obama has now shown the world, in no uncertain terms, is that violent actions toward America's citizens will not be met with action. I hope that soon after I publish this, Obama will prove me wrong.
Another interesting aspect to this, is that Obama hasn't said anything either. Now, being that speeches are his specialty, I would have thought that a carefully crafted, teleprompter-fed speech would be filling the news stations with a bunch of words about how this action against America will be met with decisive action, but that at the same time we aren't at war with them, and we hope to share some cultural aspects of each country in the near future. But we have not even seen a response from our "leader." Brilliant. While I can understand the desire for international relations, this is not the time to be worried about if the Somalis or anyone else is going to like us when this is over. There are innocent Americans, non-combatants, being held by enemy forces. This is the time to do something about it.

So the days of "Give me liberty or give me death" are far behind us. If our captive American captain were to be saying that right now, his President would give no reply. Make no mistake, that the illusions of peaceable inaction will have no positive result.

1 comment:

  1. I thought about removing this post, but I'm not going to. I am glad that Obama proved me wrong on the "action" part, or at least partly so. He made a good decision. But I did predict that his silence would be portrayed as cool-headed resolve. I don't buy it.
