24 March 2009

AIG Used as Cover for Frontal Assault

It is my sincere belief that Obama and Congress ginned up public fervor over AIG simply because they knew it would be convenient cover for what they are doing. Liberalism must have a bad guy, it must have a villain. The purpose of liberal politicians is to go get that villain on your behalf. AIG was a handy villain.

The problem is that Congress, swept along in the storm, actually tried to pass a "Sniper Tax" with AIG execs as the target. That is an abuse of power that ought to be so distasteful, such an afront to the idea of America, that Washington should be the mob's destination. Obama went on Jay Leno and said that America's brightest kids shouldn't even consider being investment bankers, they need to do something truly useful. He took this opportunity before a national audience, which was nothing but grandstanding anyway but I was hoping against hope he'd say something useful, to once again rip people who do something he can't understand. Obama said smart kids should do something else, like be scientists. There is nothing wrong with being a scientist or engineer, in fact we need more of those. But there is no place for a politician gutting certain portions of society for his own pleasure.

Above all, it is none of Barack Obama's damn business what ANY kid chooses to do with their future. That is not his prerogative, at least not in the America I know...maybe in Hugo Chavez's world it is. Second, this is part of a coordinated attack on certain parts of our country, an attack on capitalism. The Federal gov't is now trying to tell us who should fail and who should succeed, what industries are good and which aren't, and so forth.

Why do you think they want to curtail tax deductions for charitable giving? One reason is that money I give from my own pocket does not have a politician's name on it. The more they can control, the better. And if a group of people, this time it's AIG execs, need to have their lives destroyed in order to achieve it, then tough beans. They found themselves in the way of "progress."

I seem to remember a sort of rabble rousing accompanied by a select group of the population being blamed for society's ills before...in Nazi Germany.

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